I’m calorie counting again, it’s weird. It’s easy because I’m not eating much. And I’m counting for 2 reasons. Firstly, it is because I feel that I have to re-learn what a ‘normal’ amount to eat is. But also, to make sure I am eating enough.
Tuesday 21 May 2024 – The secret 5th dose
I have joined a couple of Facebook pages and have been reading everyone’s posts. It is a bit scary how people are finding their workarounds for using the medication. I have been particularly fascinated by the discovery of the free 5th dose.
Saturday 18 May 2024 – The food noise
Today is day six and I have no negative symptoms to report. I’m having normal, regular bowel movements, I haven’t noticed any feelings of sickness, no headaches, not a single side effect that I can identify. Well, just one. The food noise is gone.
Wednesday 15 May 2024 – The scales
If you’re reading this blog, chances are you’ve been or are overweight and I’m hoping that this will resonate with you. I need to talk to you about the scales. Yesterday I kept my promise. I did not get on the scales, that sounds like it really ought to be easy, and it was so hard.
Tuesday 14 May 2024 – The first jab
It’s here! My prescription arrived on Saturday 10 May while I was away at the NLP International Conference, so I had to wait until I got home at 9.45pm on Sunday to have my first injection.
Friday 10 May 2024 – The journey begins
The journey begins. Well nearly. I placed my order on Asda Doctor Online a week ago, and following their approval process, my order has finally been released. Now I just have to wait for it to be delivered and the delivery window is 4 days long. I have already shown extreme patience. It’s been 3 whole weeks since I made the decision to ask for weight loss medication.
Welcome to my blog
I plan to post whenever I have something to share. I want to capture my thoughts in the moment, so please expect the odd typo or grammatical error. I’m not trying to be polished, just honest. I’m learning as I go.
If you want to read my story from the beginning go back to my first blog Friday 10 May 2024 -The journey begins
And, if you would love to curl up and read it as a book, and have a place to journal and create your own skinny jab story, then the book is now available on Amazon. Get your copy here: https://amzn.eu/d/9WBBvT8