Friday was the perfect storm. I had the day at home, I had my period, and I was feeling tired. The scales had been quite kind, I was down to 15 stone 11.6lb so that was 2lb for the week so far, with 2 days to go. But then trouble hit.
Around 10.30 am, when I would have had my smoothie if I was at work, I found myself fancying toast. I went to the kitchen to defrost some bread and instead, in the freezer spotted a fruit scone. I decided to have that instead. It was very nice smothered in butter.
Then at 12.30 I fancied a sandwich. I made a ham and tomato on 2 slices of seedy bread, and then had a chocolate teacake.
For dinner, I could not be bothered to cook, so popped a chicken burger and some fries in the air fryer. Then to finish it all up I had a yoghurt.
I felt guilty, I felt like I had eaten way too much food. Then I started to count up the calories in my head, I got to about 1800, which I realised, was nowhere near enough for me to actually put on weight.
Saturday morning on the scales, my weight jumped up to 15 stone 13lb, I knew it was all the carbs, but it still made me cross. After a sensible day yesterday, my weight is back down to a 2lb loss for the week.
What did I learn?
Three things.
Firstly, it reminded me of something I already knew about myself, that if I have carbs for breakfast, I will crave them all day long. This is something I was already aware of and maybe hoped that the jab would make a difference. So, learning one, if I want to have a scone, have it in the afternoon as then it has less time to screw up the rest of the day.
Secondly this jab is not magic. I will still have off days, and there is no point beating myself up for the odd day of carb craving.
Thirdly, and maybe most importantly, I had a ‘bad’ day and ended the week 2lb down. This would not have happened before. The ‘bad’ day would have led to ‘terrible’ week which could even have turned into ‘what the heck’ month!
Maybe this jab is magic after all.
Thank you so much for your blog. I have just taken my 4th jab. So much of what you say rings true.