Are you starting your Skinny Jab Story?
Would you like more support than just reading the book?
Then why not work with me, I’m the coach behind the book!
I love to help people achieve their dreams, goals and ambitions. I started my own coaching business back in 2020, it is called 2nd Cup of Tea, and you can find out why I called it that by checking out my site. I specialise in helping people to ‘find their happy’. Nothing makes me happier than helping people achieve their dreams. For so long now I have been happy in every area of my life, except one. My weight. Now I feel like I have found the answer that works for me, I really want to pass on all that I have learned and support others going through this journey.
I am a fully qualified, professional coach. I gained my qualification through the International Coaching Federation (ICF PCC)
You can check out my qualifications, testimonials, and prices for life coaching, by clicking the link below.
If you are embarking on this journey and do not want to do it alone you don’t have to.