Welcome to my blog

I plan to post whenever I have something to share. I want to capture my thoughts in the moment, so please expect the odd typo or grammatical error. I’m not trying to be polished, just honest. I’m learning as I go.
If you want to read my story from the beginning go back to my first blog  Friday 10 May 2024 -The journey begins

And, if you would love to curl up and read it as a book, and have a place to journal and create your own skinny jab story, then the book is now available on Amazon. Get your copy here: https://amzn.eu/d/9WBBvT8

Sunday 19 January – The book is launched!

Sunday 19 January – The book is launched!

It’s official, It’s a book. I am so proud of it and so excited. You can order your copy here https://amzn.eu/d/7GetjSK

The first half is my story, then there is a section for you to write yours. I am so happy that anyone searching on Amazon will hopefully find my book and it can provide support and information. Thanks for following my story here. I will continue to write my blog, just maybe not quite so frequently. I will keep my dashboard updated weekly so readers of both the blog and the book can track my progress. It also provides great accountability for me too!

Thanks to everyone who helped to make this happen. And good luck to everyone on this journey.

Friday 13 December – Getting ready to publish!

Friday 13 December – Getting ready to publish!

Sorry I have not posted for a few weeks, it is because I have been very busy. I am getting ready to publish my blog as a book. My hope is that my story will help other people embarking on this journey. This drug is still very new, so new people are starting every day. When I read the Facebook group messages, the same questions are being asked again and again, which is to be expected. It means that the information isn’t easily available without seeking it out, and I hope this can help people who like nothing better than to curl up on the sofa with a cup of tea and a book.

I’ll let you know when it is available on Amazon. until then, Happy Christmas and all the best for a healthier, slimmer, fitter 2025

Friday 22 November – Looking to the future

Friday 22 November – Looking to the future

Yay I’m 13 stone 13lb.

It’s a big moment when you break into a new stone bracket, I don’t know why it is, but it is.

I really feel like I’m looking to the future now.

I have even connected with an image stylist who is going to do my colours and my style profile and help me really understand what clothes work for me and what don’t.

Saturday 12 October – Planning my dose increases for the next 6 months

Saturday 12 October – Planning my dose increases for the next 6 months

It’s been a very busy week as I get nearer to my holiday. It feels like I have crammed a month worth of stuff into the last fortnight before I go. The good news is it means I am not really thinking about food, calories, or dieting. I have only lost 0.4lb this week. But, as I have said before, I have never had an experience of losing weight every week, week by week, for over 4 months so I am not disappointed.