My dream to turn my blog into a book has now come true.

Available now on Amazon, you can curl up on the sofa with the book version of my blog. I decided now was the right to publish it as there is so much misinformation and negativity in the press. I wanted to share my story, now.

This is my personal story.

I’m not here to tell you that my story is yours, everyone’s journey is different. And I want to be clear: this is my choice, and I am not judging anyone else’s. My hope is that my story will offer comfort, clarity, and maybe even reassurance for anyone considering weight loss injections. This is a real, honest account of an ordinary person in the UK, not a celebrity, not a doctor.

Your Skinny Jab Story.
In addition to my story, you’ll find space to start your own “skinny jab” journal. Because your story, is uniquely yours.

“A brilliantly honest and insightful read that informs and entertains in equal measure.” – Sara Duffy

“If you are wondering: Is it for me? Does it work? What will happen? Will I stop enjoying food? Then this is the insight you need.” – Alayne Kelly