Woohoo, 2 weeks in and I have hit my first big milestone, 1 stone lost.
On Saturday I went out to a café with my friend and ordered an avocado and hummus sandwich, on thick brown bread. I ate half of it and stopped. Then I wrapped it in my napkin and popped it in my bag to take home. She asked me if it was because I was full, or if I was just choosing to only eat half. My honest answer was, I don’t know. I genuinely didn’t know which. And I don’t really care. All I know is I was able to stop. And whether it was showing off and proving how little I eat now, or whether I really couldn’t have eaten it, I don’t know and I don’t care. Because all I do know is, this is working.
I did my 3rd jab on Sunday morning. For the first time it bled a little bit, but the instructions say that’s ok. I did my 1st jab in my belly, the 2nd in my thigh, and my 3rd I have gone back to my belly again because there seems to be some evidence, according to the Facebook group, that it is more effective there.
Today is Bank Holiday Monday and I am in Center Parcs this week with my Mum and my brothers’ three children. I love my week away with them. It will, no doubt, present some challenges, we have already been to the pancake house, but I am confident. Yes I had pancakes, but I only ate 2 of the 3 on my plate and took my own sugar free syrup with me! Hopefully the additional running around and swimming will also help a bit.
The biggest challenge will probably be having to go all week with no access to scales. There will be a lot riding on what happens when I can get back on them Sunday morning.
I have had to take another Senokot tablet tonight as it has been 3 days without a poop. Hopefully it will do the trick again. I intend to add Fibrogel to my diet when I am back home as this appears to be the recommendation.
I’m drinking plenty and have added a daily electrolight tablet to my glass of water, I chose High5 Zero, orange and cherry flavour, it’s really nice. Thats all for today, thanks for reading.
Weight – 16 stone 8lb
Down – 14lb (1 stone)
I am reading your blog. We are both about the same weight And history so quite interesting. I started my jab late last night feel a bit nauseous but okay but had a dreadful headache all night. I’ve been putting off doing this for months In the hope I could do it on my own. I usually manage a few days a week or two weeks and then all the cravings come back, But I’m lucky if I lose half a pound or a pound after the initial loss of 2 to 3lbs. So keep on adding to your blog and good luck
Thank you for sharing your journey. I’m exactly the same height and put my weight on in lockdown. Been on SW for six years and still not reached my happy place. I feel fat and ugly and the menopause aged 54 is making it even harder to lose weight. I am only on week one of my injections but fingers crossed it’s working and I’m excited to have my first weigh in x