I took my first 5mg jab on Sunday morning. For anyone keeping track this was my 5th jab. What happened to the 5th dose in my 2.5mg pen I hear you ask? I gave it to my Mum.
My Mum was staying with me for a couple of weeks, and I told her how I was getting on and she wanted in. I did the process online for her and, while waiting for her first pen to arrive, I shared my secret 5th dose with her. Yes, I’m good like that! I’m so pleased she was able to practise doing her first 2 jabs while we were together and could support each other. She has gone on to lose 9.5lb in her first 10 days and is delighted.
So, I took the 5mg in the morning, had a protein shake and then ate nothing till we went out for dinner at 6pm. I had a roast beef dinner and afterwards felt worried that I had eaten too much. When I thought about it, I realised I had in fact only eaten about half the slice of beef, one potato, a Yorkshire pudding, some of the veg, swede, carrot, red cabbage and gravy. No wine, no starter, no dessert, no espresso martini!! Just a small sensible meal.
On Monday I woke up feeling felt quite sick. I had my protein shake. Then later, while making dinner, I grated some Parmesan and felt so queasy I couldn’t eat. I went out to a work meeting and driving home I realised that the sick queasy feeling might just be hunger and all I could make myself fancy was some toast and marmite at about 7.30pm.
I woke up Tuesday morning to a whole pound lost. I was so happy I was able to cope with the rather sick feeling. As I cleaned my teeth, I really did think I was going to be sick. I sat down for a bit, sipped my tea, and it passed. Ok, it’s not a great feeling, but this was what I signed up for right? I want to lose weight, and not feeling that I want to eat is a pretty good way of achieving that.
Tuesday, I had a protein shake at about 11am and at 6pm had an M&S ready meal, braised beef with veg mash 360 calories, and I added some spring greens.
Today, I woke up to another 0.4lb gone.
This brings my weight loss total to 19.6lb in one month. I love this stuff.
I feel happy and positive that this really is going to be the time I do this all the way to my goal, not just enough to feel a bit better and then gradually watch it all go back on.
I have been reading all the posts on the social groups, and I do appear to be in the ‘lucky’ bracket of people for whom the medication works fast, appetite suppression is high, and side effects are low. I know this is not the case for everyone, so I am grateful.
I’m trying not to do much weight maths, and figuring out what I may weight by when. I am feeling very optimistic for holidays I have coming up in September and October. I am dreaming of putting on the shorts I have owned for many years that do not do up. My size 18 jeans are already feeling a little looser, my rings slide onto my fingers easily ,this is always one of the first things I notice, I went for a year or two where I could not wear my eternity ring and was about to have it made larger. These little wins are more powerful than the numbers on the scales. This is the proof; these are the tangible benefits.
But the numbers matter too.
To keep a track, I have added a new page to my site, My dashboard. https://skinnyjabstory.co.uk/my-dashboard/
It was created by my very clever friend Dee at www.3docsolutions.co.uk
Now you can keep up to date with all the data of my story. I will aim to update this every week.
Today I am going to get my hair cut. It has been growing for the past 3 years and has got quite long. Well today it is all going. I am after a ‘Sliding Doors’ level transformation! (If you don’t get the reference, check out the movie, starring Gwyneth Paltrow, spoiler alert, her boyfriend cheats on her and she gets an amazing haircut, and some other stuff happens.)
It’s weird that I am finding myself taking more time to put moisturiser onto my body, and thinking about my new haircut. The things I didn’t really realise were not that important when I was hiding. Now I am getting my legs ready for those shorts!
See you next time.
Brilliant loving reading about your journey x