Today I hit my 2 stone weight loss. I actually hit it on Wednesday, then it went up a bit, down a bit and finally settled back to exactly 2 stone today. I saw the first photo of myself where I didn’t immediately hate myself. I zoomed in and thought, hey, not bad.
I was delivering a training workshop in London on Thursday with my friend and co-author Kay Woodburn. We had a large group, 50 people, and I stood there, in the middle of the room, feeling far more confident that I would have 2 stones ago.
I still get nervous every time I present. I think it shows that I care. But, despite having about 25 years’ experience of delivering training events, the one factor that has the biggest impact on my confidence is how I look. I know that I have never judged anyone that I have worked with on their weight rather than their performance, expertise, or experience, so why do I assume that is what everyone is thinking about me?
It doesn’t help that the book we have written is called ‘Grittitude – Choose your own life story’ and is all about creating the life you want. What credibility can I have talking about creating the life you want, when there is something so clearly evident about my life that I am not happy about? Well, that is changing. I am not even sure how it will feel when this weight is gone. Will it change who I am?
I have always maintained that it will not. I will still be me, just me in smaller clothes. But what if it changes me in ways I cannot even imagine yet?
When I look back at all of the very worst photos of me, they are all of me having a great time somewhere. Being fat has never stopped me doing anything I wanted to do. Admittedly, when I have seen the photos afterwards, it has given me a pretty horrible reality check, but it couldn’t take away from the fact that I still went on the holiday, went to the party, rode on the carousel.
I am now on week 10 of the skinny jab. I feel that I have started to settle in to this new way now. The last couple of weeks has followed the same routine;
Monday – feel queasy, can hardly eat at all – weight down a bit
Tuesday – slightly queasy, can hardly eat at all – weight down a bit
Wednesday – feeling better, able to more – weight down a bit
Thursday – feel fine, eating is ok, still not hungry – weight same or up a bit
Friday – I want carbs!! Carbs for breakfast, lunch and tea! It’s not hunger, but it is a bit of ‘food noise’ – weight same or up a bit
Saturday – weight up due to all the carbs, so have a zero-carb day to prepare for main weigh in on Sunday
Sunday – ‘official’ weigh in and jab day, feel ok, weight back to what it had been on Wednesday, but down for the overall week. The day when I am most likely to let myself cheat a bit, e.g. bit of dessert, something sweet.
So, I am feeling good. This has been my smallest weight loss since I started, but I am feeling less obsessed by it all now. I will be very happy if I continue to lose 1-2 lb every week. Now that the initial 2 stone has gone, I feel so much better, that the urgency has reduced, and now I feel like it can go slowly, as long as it continues to go.
I still have five and a half stones to go to target, I am still very fat, but I feel confident that I can trust myself to not obsess over every carbohydrate, every 0.4lb going up and down. I am ready to focus on the weight loss over the week, not expecting to see it every day.
That is what I will keep telling myself, anyway.
Today I have started my new pen. I am choosing to stay on 5mg for another month and will order another 5mg next time.
Because I expect to be on the medication for many more months, I do not want to go up a dose until the current one stops working. I want to keep the option to increase for as long as possible. And while the weight loss has slowed a bit, I am still feeling queasy the day after the jab, and still feeling the effects of the appetite suppression for the whole week. When I say that by Thursday I can eat more, I mean that I find myself fancying something, but if I actually stop and think about it, I am fancying it, but I am not hungry.
Yesterday lunch time my hubby was making a ham sandwich and I thought, that looks nice, I’d like one of those. But then realised I wasn’t hungry. So, I had one single bite of his, just to have the taste, and I was happy not to have any more.
My hope is that, because my journey will be long, that these new behaviours will become my new habit. Checking, am I hungry? Opting for ‘just one bite’. Choosing a carb or non carb day.
That’s the plan!
Your story is incredibly relatable. So much so that reading through your posts made me think whether you were writing the story of my life. I can’t wait to start my own MJ story as I wait for my first jab delivery. Thank you for sharing your very honest experience with it. It helps so much!
You’re so inspirational, thanks for documenting your journey!
Is the decision to stay on 5mg purely your own? Did you discuss it with your GP, and what were their feedback or concerns? is it really that arbitrary?